Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Know your rights and understand your responsibilities as a patient

Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Patient

At Anna Jaques Hospital, we support your right to know about your health and condition. We champion your right to participate in decisions that affect your well-being.


If you have questions about patient rights and responsibilities or a complaint, call the Quality/Patient Safety office at 978-463-1400, ext. 2313.

Your Patient Rights

You have many rights as a patient. Our list of patients’ rights includes state and federal law. The rights and responsibilities of patients unable to make their own decisions are protected by the patient's guardian, health care agent or legal representative. 

Feel free to discuss any questions with your doctor and/or hospital staff.

We believe the recognition of these rights contributes to more effective patient care, greater satisfaction for you, for your physician and for the health care team.

As a patient at Anna Jaques Hospital, you have the right to:

  1. Considerate and respectful care.
  2. Privacy and confidentiality.
  3. Be informed about your condition.
  4. Informed consent.
  5. Know the physician responsible for coordinating your care.
  6. Know how the hospital is connected professionally with other hospitals or health agencies.
  7. Refuse to be examined, observed or treated by students or other hospital staff.
  8. Be advised of experimentation affecting your care.
  9. Be informed of the alternative treatments for breast cancer.
  10. Expect reasonable continuity of care.
  11. Prompt lifesaving treatment.
  12. Make an advance directive.
  13. Refuse treatment.
  14. Have reasonable requests responded to promptly.
  15. Interpreters.
  16. Request a different physician.
  17. View and receive copies of medical records in accordance with state law and hospital policy.
  18. Receive copies of bills.
  19. Know what rules apply to your conduct as a patient.
  20. Receive equal care if you are a handicapped person.
  21. Receive information on financial assistance and free health care.
  22. Receive medical services without discrimination.
  23. Have visitors without discrimination.
  24. Complete a patient satisfaction survey so we may improve service and maintain high standards of patient care.
Your Patient Responsibilities

As a patient at Anna Jaques Hospital, you are expected to and have the responsibility to:

  1. Follow hospital rules and regulations affecting patient care.
  2. Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel.
  3. Adhere to the No Smoking policy.
  4. Be respectful of the property, of other people and the hospital.
  5. Cooperate with all caregivers. Ask questions if you do not understand the course of treatment and what is expected of you.
  6. Keep appointments and notify the hospital if you must cancel or reschedule.
  7. Provide accurate and complete information about past illnesses, hospitalizations and medications.
  8. Accept the consequences if you refuse treatment or do not follow doctor's orders.
  9. Pay hospital bills promptly, provide necessary information for insurance processing and seek answers to any questions you have about your bill.
Your Right To Be Heard

If a problem occurs that interferes with your rights as a patient or with the quality of your care, we encourage you to share your concerns with your caregivers. You can also ask to speak with the director of the department.

You have the right to file a complaint with Anna Jaques Hospital. If you wish to remain anonymous, you may call 978-463-1400, ext. 2313.

If you have a privacy concern, please call our hospital privacy officer at 978-463-1108.

You can send a written complaint to:

Anna Jaques Hospital

Director of Quality/Patient Safety Officer
25 Highland Avenue
Newburyport, MA 01950

We are committed to resolving all problems and concerns. We support a strong focus on quality and patient safety, as recognized by The Joint Commission, the Board of Registration in Medicine and the Department of Public Health.

If you feel your concerns are not addressed, you have the option to report them to:

The Joint Commission

Office of Quality Monitoring
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

Contact The Joint Commission by phone at 800-994-6610 between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm, Central Time, on weekdays.
Fax: 630-792-5636

The Board of Registration in Medicine

200 Harvard Mill Square
Wakefield, MA 01880
Phone: 781-876-8200

The Department of Public Health

Division of Health Care Quality
99 Chauncey Street, 11th Floor 
Boston, MA 02111
Phone: 617-753-8150

An advocacy office has been established within the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to investigate alleged violations of the law. Anyone may report a suspected case of discrimination to:  

Advocacy Office

Patient Protection Unit Division of Health Care Quality 
250 Washington St.
Boston, MA 02180-4619
Phone: 617-634-6000

Patients & Visitors

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