Pregnancy, Childbirth & Baby Care Classes & Support Groups

Helping you prepare for your baby’s arrival

Pregnancy and Birth Support

At Anna Jaques Hospital, we’re here for you and your family as you prepare to welcome your new baby. We provide the highest level of care during your pregnancy and your baby’s birth.

We understand that every family has different needs and wishes during this special time. That’s why we serve as a trusted resource and partner with you as you embark on your parenting journey.

Classes and Support Groups

At Anna Jaques, you can access a variety of in-person, virtual and hybrid classes and events to help you prepare for becoming a parent.

Baby & Me Support Group

We offer this free, in-person, weekly support group on Wednesdays in Haverhill and Thursdays in Newburyport. All birthing parents are welcome. Join us for advice, encouragement and support. Get answers to questions about all aspects of parenting. The group is led by an Anna Jaques lactation consultant who is a registered nurse. No need to register. Drop-ins are welcome.

Breastfeeding Class

Gain the knowledge and tools you need for successful breastfeeding. We teach mothers, birthing parents and support people through in-person and virtual classes. Registration is required.

Childbirth Education Class

You and your partner can learn the skills you need for a positive childbirth experience. Classes focus on breathing, comfort and relaxation exercises and techniques. In-person, virtual and hybrid options are available. The in-person and hybrid classes are taught by a Birth Center Registered nurse. Registration is required.

Infant CPR & Car Seat Safety Class

This in-person class is for parents, grandparents, family members and anyone who wants to learn lifesaving infant CPR and choking skills, as well as child passenger safety taught by a Neonatal Care Center Registered nurse in collaboration with our local police department. Registration required.

Newborn Care Class

You and your partner learn about what to expect caring for your baby in the hospital and for the first few weeks at home. In-person and virtual classes are available. Registration is required.

Sibling Preparation Class

This virtual sibling preparation class teaches you as a parent how to support your child in becoming a big brother or big sister. We provide fun activities and lessons you can do with your child to encourage them as they prepare to be a sibling. You’ll complete this class on your own and at your own pace. Registration is required.

Contact Us

We’re Here for You

To speak with a member of our pregnancy & birth team, please call.